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It’s never too late, as long as you’re alive.


If you’re a senior who tends to stay more in self-preservation mode, you can increase your satisfaction in life by working on self-reinvention, according to Galit Nimrod. That seems reason enough to try some self-reinvention techniques.

A word of caution. If you’re not normally one to make changes, start slowly.  Making changes too quickly, might stress your immune system (according to research revealed in the American Journal of Lifestyle Medicine (May 2016).  On the other hand, the research shows, if you take it too slowly, you may lose your motivation to make the change.  Your approach to self-reinvention shouldn’t be too fast or too slow. It should be just right.  The “Goldie Locks” approach.

If you’re plan is to reinvent yourself by living a healthier lifestyle, take it one step at a time. You might start by eliminating wheat from your diet, for instance.  For more on this approach, take a look at what Cardiologist, Dr. William Davis has to say.  Although I’m not one of his patients, his advice on eliminating wheat worked for me. It took a tremendous amount of motivation (as I was a confessed “bread-aholic”).

Of course, what works for Dr. Davis’ patients, may or may not work for you.  Research suggests you should tailor your self-reinvention plans to meet your own needs.  While that may seem obvious, it’s often easier to simply follow someone else’s approach.  Many of us have done that at one time or another. When we want to make changes, we don’t always know where to start. Following someone else’s program can help. But it’s better to tweak it to fit your own needs.

So as long as you’re alive, it’s never too late to reinvent yourself.

What Do You Think?

What do you think about reinventing yourself? Have you tried it? If so, what worked best? What didn’t work so well?

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