3 Tips for Restful Sleep

Reading Time: 3 minutes I laughed when I read a recent email. Its headline: “Tips for more restful sleep.” I had to laugh because I not only need restful sleep, I’d be happy to get more sleep. Preferably restful, of course. The email’s content...

Autumn Meditation

Autumn guides us into a time of reflection. Whereas Spring brings renewal, and Summer brings growth, Autumn stirs up a need to reflect and to let go. Autumn, or Fall, also guides you to look ahead, make connections, and prepare for the future, for Winter. Reflecting...

Embracing Change

Reading Time: 3 minutes Many times throughout life, we’re confronted with change. When we graduated from high school and college, we were faced with huge changes. Our life before graduation was the same year after year: classes, teachers, books, homework, and friends....

What Does It Mean to Be a Silver Girl?

One can remain alive long past the usual date of disintegration if one is unafraid of change, insatiable in intellectual curiosity, interested in big things, and happy in small ways. — Edith Wharton  What’s your idea of becoming a Silver Girl? Is it going...